Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sweet October Smell. . .

After spending a fairly long time on collecting my thoughts for the client discussions tomorrow, as I pass this lane near my house, this intoxicating smell again fills my mind with tickling sensations and I cant do nothing but smile.

This smell is very close to my heart as this is the first smell which I started loving rite when I was 2 ft tall. All over my school there were these trees with white flowers which blossomed only during the months of October and March. Very close relation with these flowers. Rishta isliye coz' these were the two months when we used to have exams . ..and study and frens place and while growing up spent most of the time in these groves. Fairly attached to these.

Lost some touch with this fragrance in college and then when I reached Pune I again came across this smell only in the elite societies and areas. Thats when I met this girl who had this tree rite before her home...Dunno what did I fall for first, well, she is no more with me and I just felt this smell back again. Seems she's following, I again can't help but smile, to mself. Its bin sometime that I have bin living all alone. ..

I'm but spoiled for choice. Have had multiple relations. . .3 hrs, 3 mths . . .. 3 yrs at all levels. In touch with most of them who are doing well and in good touch, but I just learn one thing. 'Love is so transient'. And yesterday, a virtual world's friend comes and says that it is wrong, there's love all around. True, I agree and thats exatly what makes me call it transient . . . .But just let it go.

This smell is making me realise, all that i need to do. . . . and at the same time . I want to write, and a lot more .. I'm terribly High and perhaps I'd return to you ...

my friends say...

'You need to understand people"

I say...

Aao milo chalo . . .

Cheers !!


Unknown said...

i know what you mean by childhood associations :) It's amazing how a smell or a taste can make your mind travel years and miles.

love is not transient... situations and people may be. but the source of love and happiness come from deep within us. to truly feel these emotions we need to be connected with ourselves.

Chalo kaafi funda de diya hai. was fun to read your post and know your thoughts.

May the sweet Oct smell always be with you :)

EatTravelRepeat said...

aaaawwwwwwiiieeeeeee... and its not jus love, everything is transient... jus go wid the life goes on :)